Meeting Half Way: What its all about!

Being the Managing Director of a company with several thousand customers doesn’t leave me with much opportunity to get involved in good causes. So, Meeting Half Way is a dream come true – an opportunity for the company itself to lead a great cause.

In brief, its a campaign directed towards hearing people and is best understood through its goals…

The first goal is to give hearing people a glimpse into the lives of Deaf people. Through these glimpses, we should recognise what kind of challenges Deaf people face on a day-to-day basis and help us realise that most of these challenges are created by us.

The second goal is to bring about change by appealing to the inner good within us all. The idea is to acknowledge our neglect, learn how to communicate with Deaf people, teach to others what we’ve learned and encourage them to pass it on in a viral fashion all with the help that we’ll provide.

In addition to encouraging individual change, we’ll also encourage organisational change and, at some point, escalate the campaign to approach governments with practical solutions that make services equally accessible to Deaf people as they are to hearing people without hindering the hearing experience.

Although legislation is not the greatest of solutions (as things done forcefully are usually done grudgingly), at that stage we would have hoped for change to have come willingly and legislation would be reserved for those who simply don’t care.

There’s a lot to do, but I have a lot of faith in this campaign and the change it will bring. Its up to you whether you want to take part. I promise, supporting the campaign is going to be easy, and you should think of it as an MLM of good in which the higher up you are, the more good you’ve introduced.

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