Welcome to the Meeting Half Way Blog

Hello and welcome to the Half Way Blog.

My name is Fahed (aka TheHalfWayMan) and I’m the founder of a UK company which provides business-to-person communication services.

This blog, however, has very little to do with me or my company.

Its the official blog of the Meeting Half Way campaign and its purpose is to provide news on the campaign and the effects I hope it will have on society. It will also be an opportunity to create dialogue, through which people can interact with the campaign and provide feedback, criticisms, compliments, ideas and anything else that my be relevant to the different stages of campaign.

I’m still not sure how frequent posts are going to be or if there will be any themes, so you’ll have to be patient whilst these come together.

Before I tell you how you can subscribe to the blog, you’ll obviously want to know what the campaign is all about. The only thing though, is that the introduction deserves its own post and that’s something I’m going to do in the next couple of days.

BUT… if you subscribe via rss or subscribe via email , you’ll be notified when the introduction has been announced.

At the moment, I’ll just be using the default template provided by WordPress (which I must say is exceedingly easy to use). Once we’ve decided on a basic brand identity for the campaign, I’ll try to find a theme to match.

That’s it for now and, once again, welcome to the Meeting Half Way Blog.

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